Services and websites that can help

These details are provided for information only and we do not recommend any service. We advise you to contact the service to see if they may be able to help you.

All information is subject to change. Check the websites for accurate and up to date information.

Support with health needs and mental health

Organisations that can support children or young people with health needs and mental health:

Urgent mental health support for children, young people, and families

Every mental health trust in London has put in place a 24/7 crisis line for people of all ages - children, young people, and adults.

The lines which are free to call can provide advice to those in a crisis. These crisis lines are supported by trained mental health advisors 365 days a year. You can find the 24/7 crisis line numbers using the NHS Service Finder.

Wandsworth Hospital and Home tuition service (HHTS)

The Wandsworth Hospital and Home tuition service (HHTS) delivers education for students who are unable to attend their mainstream school due to a diagnosed medical condition.

Organisations for children and young people with SEND

Organisations that can help if your child or young person has special educational needs and disabilities:

SEND in Mind

SEND in Mind offers advice and information to help you find the right services for your family. Knowing that families have different challenges, its support is designed to be flexible. Whether giving assistance with benefits issues or any other concerns, it can offer support to meet your family's changing needs.

Mind in Brent, Wandsworth and Westminster
Wandsworth Hub
201-3 Tooting High Street
SW17 0SZ

Telephone: 020 7259 8128

Council for Disabled Children

The Council for Disabled Children is the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector in England.

Independent Parental Special Educational Advice (IPSEA)

IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice, and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society is the UK’s leading charity for autistic people.  The National Autistic Society provides residential and day services for adults, schools, diagnosis and other services, and provides support, guidance and practical advice to autistic adults and children in the UK, as well as their three million family members and carers.

  • Helpline: 0808 800 4104 (Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm)
  • Email:

Coram Children's Legal Centre

Coram Children's Legal Centre provides free legal information, advice and representation to children, young people, their families, and their carers and professionals.

  • Family law helpline: 0300 330 5480 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm)
  • Education law helpline: 0300 330 5485 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm)
  • Email:

Civil Legal Advice

If you have special educational needs and you live in England or Wales you can get free and confidential advice from Civil Legal Advice (CLA) as part of legal aid.

For confidential and independent advice call:

  • Telephone: 0345 345 4345
  • Minicom: 0345 609 6677
  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9am to 8pm, and Saturday from 9am to 12.30pm

Wandsworth services for children and young people with SEND

Wandsworth services that can help if your child or young person has special educational needs and disabilities:

Wandsworth SEND Local Offer

The Wandsworth SEND Local Offer includes information and contact details for the local authority, education, health, and voluntary groups who can support you and your child or young person, from 0 to 25 years old.

Wandsworth Special Needs Assessment Service (SNAS)

The Wandsworth SNAS is responsible for children and young people who are requesting a statutory assessment of special educational need (SEN), or are currently under assessment based on their SEN. Following assessment, SNAS may issue an education, health, and care plan (EHCP).

Wandsworth Autism Advisory Service (WAAS)

The Wandsworth Autism Advisory Service (WAAS) service is a multi-agency team with professionals from education, teaching, SEND, speech and language therapy, multi therapy team, occupational therapy and psychology service. The service is formed of three key areas to ensure it offers a comprehensive service - advisory, psychology, and a therapy team.

Battersea Family Hub

The Battersea Family Hub (Yvonne Carr Centre and York Gardens Children's Centre) provides a welcoming space where you can access services in the heart of your community.

Find out more about services and sessions offered at Battersea Family Hub, including dates, times, and locations.

Roehampton Family Hub

The Roehampton Family Hub is a great place to get a wide range of range of services and support for you and your family – all in one place.

Services are offered to parents and children aged 0-19 years (25 years for young people with special educational needs and disabilities).

Find out more about services and sessions offered at Roehampton Family Hub, including dates, times and locations.

Tooting Family Hub

The Tooting Family Hub is a great place to get a wide range of range of services and support for you and your family in a number of locations in Tooting.

Find out more about the services and sessions offered at Tooting Family Hub, including dates, time and locations.